Tuesday, February 23, 2010

February Club Meeting

Executive Meeting
Feb.22, 2010
7 p.m.
Ray Wagner! ! Andrew Brown! !
John Bernard! Peter Schwirtlich! !
Kent Duncan!! Doug Merrick
Chuck Sinclair
Spring Learn-to-Race Camp. Presentation by Ray as follow-up. The CVCC will host 3
learn to race clinics for cyclist interested in taking a shot at racing. This will target riders
mature riders wishing to enter the “C” level races or “B” level. The clinics will be held
April 26, May 3, and May 10. The focus will be on rider position, riding tactics, and
group techniques for fast, safe, cycling. The minimal fee of $50 will gain the riders
access to: 3 clinics, CVCC annual membership, CyclingBC insurance for 2010, and
race entry to the Tsolum River Road as part of the Comox Cup Series.
Website: The CVCC has contacted Internic concerning our Domain Name and we are
proceeding with restructuring the web-site to redirect to CVCC.ca. For the latest club
news keep going to comoxvalleycycleclub.blogspot.com/
Promotions: Andrew has contacted the people involved with In-Focus and is working
to get an article published that shows the Club and the Valley as an established, superfriendly
cycling community with some very fast juniors.
Registrations: Ray is taking care of the clubʼs registration with CyclingBC. John will be
handling club registration and you will receive your registration package via a PDF file in
your email. Simply print it off and mail it via the address on the form. Donʼt forget the
attached waiver. Club fees are still $20.00 so get signed up soon.
Purchase a UCI/CCA Cycling BC Race
License if any of the following statements
are true:
• You will be racing in Cycling BC
sanctioned races and/or races outside of
the province
• You wish to race in your age or ability
• You wish to collect provincial series and
upgrade points
• You will be racing as part of a provincial
trade team
• You wish to belong to a Cycling BC high
performance, development or provincial
• You wish to hold a technical license
(Race Organizer, Manager, Commissaire,
Purchase a Citizen Race License if the
following statements are true:
• You will only be racing in Cycling BC
sanctioned races
• You wish to gain race experience without
purchasing a UCI license
• You are willing to race only in the citizen
category (MTB) or lowest available
category (Cat 4)
• You do not wish to collect provincial
series or upgrade points
• You will only be racing Road/Track/CX or
$32 Purchase a Club Associate
Membership if the following statements
are true:
• You belong to a club
• You only wish to ride in your own club’s
• You are not interested in racing in
Cycling BC calendar races
Jerseys: In March you will receive a list and prices for Jerseys, Bibs, Jackets, and Skinsuits
(the pricey aero ones). We will order them but this time you pay up front.
We are staying with Pactimo and so the design and colours are registered with them for
speedier delivery.
Sponsorship: Jeff Beeston at Trail Bikes has contacted the club and is going to sponsor the
Time Trial Series and some of the Road Races. A BIG THANKS to Trail Bikes. We will be
contacting the other bike shops with the same offer as last year to help with the Comox Cup
events and to provide draw prizes for volunteers and contestants.
Chuck presented a mock-up of a bulletin board that we hope will find a happy home at each of
the valley bike shops. The bulletin boards will have club contacts, events, and space for the
latest postings.
Andrew is working closely with the Downtown Business Association to host a Downtown Crit.
Racing: Doug is setting up a protocol for all Comox Cup Racers to sign-up for volunteer help
(do it or provide it). We will try the Gentlemenʼs or Gentlewomanʼs agreement that if you race
you also volunteer and help out. Watch for this at comoxvalleycycleclub.blogspot.com/
Meeting adjourned at 8:55
Next Meeting: Comox Rec. Centre Rm. D

Monday, February 1, 2010

2010 Road Race Season

Hi everyone
3 of the 4 race dates have been decided
Tsolum River Road Race May 16
Minto Road Race June 13
Dove Creek Omnium July 17-18
Championship Weekend TBA but will fall on a August 15, 22, 29. We are waiting on Cycling BC to post when the provincial TT/RR is in August to schedule around that.
The race bible containing all this information and more is almost complete but some details need to be finalized for the time trial series before it is posted.
Stay Tuned!!