Thursday, July 3, 2014

New Course Record!!

In the last Forbidden Plateau Time Trial of the 2014 season, club alumni (and current Sojasun Rider) Nigel Ellsay took the club record from Jordan Duncan (2012 - 17:09) to drop it down to a 16:59 with only an aerodynamic bike (no aero wheels, helmet, skinsuit etc.)
Current course records are now as follows
Headquarters:                    John Van der Vliet:     20:59     -2007
Forbidden Plateau:             Nigel Ellsay:                16:59    -2014
Dove Creek:                      Don Gilmore:               21:12    -2009
Dove Creek-Dove Creek:  Don Gilmore:              43:59     -2010

1 comment:

  1. I believe Don Gilmore's records might be 21:14 on the DC course on May 12, 2010 and a 43:02 on the DCx2 on August 5, 2009. At least that is what is in the standings spreadsheets.
